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The Daily Telegraph - March 19, 1996

"The Daily Telegraph" is one of the newspapers in New South Wales.

This article has been typed by Manny Santana.

This article was present in the TV critic because Channel 10 was showing the episode "Money Changes Everything" of Mad About You


by Bryce Corbett

PICK: When your other screen credits include flicks such as Vibes (with Jeff Goldblum) and Life With Mikey (an obscure '93 film with fellow fading star Michael J. Fox) the chance to guest star on a hit sit-com such as Mad About You (Ten, 8pm) must have seemed like a God-send to Cyndi Lauper. She turns an impressive performance as Ira's long-lost love interest, Marianne. While she hasn't got the dulcet tones of Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder tempering her nasal Noo Yawk accent, Lauper shines as the bleached-blonde, money-laden mistress of Ira's past. Young married couples beware: watching Jamie and Paul is tantamount to a half-hour of masochism. They are so witty and romantic, it's enough to make even the least cynical among us violently ill.

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